This term the student leaders are going to be painting a chorus box as a kind of legacy project. We went through many stages and we also met with someone from the city council called Val. She told us about what we had to do in order for it to look nice and we went through designs and we chose Jacinta's one. Her design had an Oaklands logo on it made up by the leaves of a kauri tree. I also submitted a design, where Halswell was in the middle of a bunch of designs. We have planned to paint the chorus box on Wednesday. The care value I showed was excellence because I submitted a design for the chorus box.
What: We have been working with Room 1, 2 and 11 to complete our mural for the school. So What: My group did Buzzy Bee and I was happy about the face and how it turned out. Now What: I would take out the black mark on the lower left corner of the board and do another coat on the antenna and the ball.
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