On Friday in the middle block we usually have something where we do things, like there is a buddy programme and then there is a gardening programme, but the one I am in is Gamification, where you basically code and create a mini game. We started off at the start of the term using a programme called GameFroot, but it didn't really work well so instead we used scratch, which I found much easier. Mr Ladbrook now gives a series of challenges which we had to compete for and if we won we would win a prize. Last week we had to make a pong game and this week we had to make a platformer. Most people used Gamefroot for this but Jacob, Noah, Jak and I used scratch to try and do it. Mine had a landscape and clouds everywhere that moved side to side while they tried to get as high as you could. It half worked but the character could jump infinitely and it was very weird. The leadership quality I used was resilience because at the start I didn't really understand how the variables tab worked...